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Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods

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Salut Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods

Post by genie_in.a_bottle Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:27 pm

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Asparagus Asparagus
Asparagus is high in glutathione, an important anticarcinogen
It also contains rutin, which protects small blood vessels from rupturing and may protect against radiation
Asparagus is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, B-complex vitamins, potassium and zinc

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Avocado Avocado
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat, which is easily burned for energy.
An avocado has more than twice as much potassium as a banana.
For a delicious, creamy salad dressing, mix together avocado and fresh carrot juice

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Banana Bananas
You don’t need to eat bananas for the potassium! (Although it is present in bananas, potassium is the predominant nutrient among most all fruits and vegetables.)
Bananas are high in sugar, so they should not be eaten if you have blood sugar problems.
Don’t eat bananas on an empty stomach; combining them with a bit of protein will help to normalize the insulin response caused by the sugar in the banana.
Green-tipped bananas are better for your health than over-ripe bananas.
On a side note: Because bananas are so popular, rainforests are often destroyed to make way for banana plantations.

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Beet Beet Greens/Root
Beet greens contain notable amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus
They also contain vitamins A, B-complex and C
Beet roots are high in carbohydrate levels and should therefore be used sparingly

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Brocolli Broccoli
Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of an orange
It has almost as much calcium as whole milk--and the calcium is better absorbed
It contains selenium, a mineral that has been found to have anti-cancer and anti-viral properties
Broccoli is a modest source of vitamin A and alpha-tocopherol vitamin E
It also has antioxidant properties

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Celery Celery
Celery is the best vegetable source of naturally occurring sodium.
It is high in potassium.
The high water content in celery makes it ideal for vegetable juicing.
As an easy way to reduce grains in your diet, spread peanut butter on celery rather than bread.

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Cilantro Cilantro
Cilantro may be useful to treat urinary tract infections
Both the leaves and seeds aid digestion, relieve intestinal gas, pain and distention
They also treat nausea, soothe inflammation, rheumatic pain, headaches, coughs and mental stress
Cilantro is a member of the carrot family

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Chicory
Chicory contains insulin, which helps diabetics regulate their blood sugar levels
Chicory is closely related to lettuce and dandelion but is a member of the sunflower family
It may be cleansing to the liver and gallbladder
Chicory is beneficial for digestion, the circulatory system and the blood
Chicory leaves are a good source of calcium, vitamin A and potassium

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Chinesecabage
Chinese Cabbage
Chinese cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties
It is an excellent source of folic acid
Chinese cabbage is low in calories and low in sodium
It is also high in vitamin A and a good source of potassium
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Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Dandeliongreens Dandelion Greens
Dandelion is beneficial to digestion and is an antiviral that may be useful in the treatment of AIDS and herpes
It may also be useful in treating jaundice, cirrhosis, edema due to high blood pressure, gout, eczema and acne
Dandelion is also used to treat and prevent breast and lung tumors and premenstrual bloating
Dandelion greens are high in vitamin A in the form of antioxidant carotenoid and vitamin C
They also contain calcium and potassium
Dandelion root contains insulin, which lowers blood sugar in diabetics

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Fennel Fennel
Fennel contains the antioxidant flavonoid quercetin
This herb is anticarcinogenic and can be useful for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation
Fennel can be useful for indigestion and spasms of the digestive tract
It also helps expel phlegm from the lungs

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Greenbeans Green Beans
Fresh beans contain vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, calcium and potassium
Green beans are diuretic and may be used to treat diabetes
A fresh bean should snap crisply and feels velvety to the touch

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Jicama Jicama
Jicama is low in sodium and high in potassium
It has a slightly sweet flesh that's on the order of water chestnuts, but crunchier
Due to their high carbohydrate content, they should be used sparingly

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Kale
Kale eases lung congestion and is beneficial to the stomach, liver and immune system
It contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from macular degeneration
It also contains indole-3-carbinol, which may protect against colon cancer
Kale is an excellent source of calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and chlorophyll

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Kohlrabi
Kohlrabi, which belongs to the cabbage family, is an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium
It is also high in fiber
Kohlrabi helps to stabilize blood sugar and is therefore useful hypoglycemia and diabetes
It can also be effective against edema, candida and viral conditions

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Mustardgreen
Mustard Greens
Mustard greens are an excellent anticancer vegetable
They may also be beneficial for colds, arthritis or depression
While mustard greens sold in the United States are relatively mild in flavor, some mustard green varieties, especially those in Asia, can be as hot as a jalapeno pepper depending on their mustard oil content

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Onion Onions
Onions are an excellent antioxidant, and they contain anti-allergy, antiviral and antihistamine properties.
Sulfur compounds in onions help to detoxify the body.
Onions aid in cellular repair.
Onions are a rich source of quercetin, a potent antioxidant.
To obtain the maximum nutritional benefits, onions should be eaten raw or lightly steamed.

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Parsley
Parsley is useful as a digestive aid
It helps to purify the blood and stimulate the bowels
Parsley is an anticarcinogen
It contains three times as much vitamin C as oranges, and twice as much iron as spinach
Parsley contains vitamin A and is a good source of copper and manganese
For a natural breath freshener, try a sprig of parsley!

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Peanutbutter
Peanut Butter
When buying peanut butter, only buy organic varieties.
Non-organic peanut butters are high in pesticides and fungus and contain aflatoxin, a potent carcinogenic mold.
To increase the protein in peanut butter (peanuts have about the same amount of protein as soy), Brewer’s yeast can be mixed in. This is especially useful for vegetarians.

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Peanuts
Peanuts contain beneficial protein, but many people are allergic to them and find them hard to digest.
They also contain aflatoxin, a carcinogenic, which may explain why peanut farmers have been found to have disproportionately high rates of cancer.
Peanuts are high in fungus and, often, pesticides.
They do not contain any omega-3, which can contribute to distorting your omega-6:omega-3 ratio.
The peanut is actually a legume, not a nut (which is why they are often roasted).
Peanuts contain about the same amount of protein as soy and are low in starchy carbohydrates.
Did you know? George Washington Carver was largely responsible for popularizing the peanut as a food in America.

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods PumpkinSeeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which is good for the prostate and building the immune system.
They also contain fatty acids that kill parasites.
Raw pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids and beneficial proteins.
For maximum nutritional benefits, seeds should be eaten raw.
Roasted seeds contain damaged fat that can lead to plaque in the arteries.

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Radishes
Radishes have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
They are a member of the cabbage family
Radishes contain vitamin C, potassium and other trace minerals
Grown in Egypt since at least 2780 B.C., radishes were originally black

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods SweetPotato
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of carotenoid antioxidants
They contain calcium, are high in vitamins A and C and contain thiamine
Be careful: eating too many may cause abdominal swelling and indigestion
Sweet potatoes are also high in sugar and therefore should be used sparingly
Sweet potatoes are not related to the potato nor the yam--they are actually a member of the morning glory family

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Tomato
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, flavonoids and other phytochemicals with anticarcinogenic properties
Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C (the vitamin C is most concentrated in the jelly-like substance that surrounds the seeds)
They also contain vitamin A and B-complex vitamins, potassium and phosphorus
A tomato grown in a hothouse has half the vitamin C content as a vine-ripened tomato

Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Zucchini
Zucchini (Summer Squash)
Zucchini and other summer squash varieties contain vitamins A and C
They also contain potassium and calcium
The flavor of zucchini is best when it is less than six inches long
Zucchinis can grow as large as baseball bats but have little flavor when they reach this size

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Salut Re: Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods

Post by mOnkey_bOi Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:22 pm

Smile hmmmmmmmm yUmmY. . . . . . . . Nyc share genie bravo Thank you Wink

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Salut Re: Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods

Post by sweetu Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:59 am

genie_in.a_bottle this is a excellent share very informative Thank you
Keep sharing

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