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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Empty Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Post by sweetu Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:54 pm

Harmful Effects Of Junk Food
Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Food

Harmful Effects Of Junk Food
Listed below are some important health complications caused due to sumptuous consumption of junk food.

Lack of energy:

Junk foods do not contain any nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. In most cases, these foods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol that do not provide any useful energy. As a result, somebody consuming junk food has reduced level of essential nutrients thereby causing weakness in the body.

Poor Concentration:

One disadvantage of consuming junk food is that it contains high amount of oil and fat. As a result, human body finds this food difficult to digest and needs to spend high amount of blood and enzymes. When a person consumes junk food in excess, a major portion of blood in the body is diverted to the intestine. As a result, the person feels drowsy and suffers with reduced concentration.

Heart Diseases:

Junk foods have been identified as a major cause of heart diseases including myocardial infraction, cardiac arrest and atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that junk food contains excessive amount of low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol that get deposited on the inner linings of blood vessels. This result in formation of plaques and the heart is required to put an extra effort for pumping blood through the arteries. Presence of fat in the blood also causes reduced oxygen levels. Another harmful factor present in junk foods is excess concentration of sugars and salt. Excessive concentration of sodium ions causes an increased heart blood pressure.

Liver Failure:

Even liver gets damaged due to presence of ingredients such as fat, cholesterol and salt inside the junk foods.


Junk foods also cause damage to the pancreas resulting in insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
How to Avoid Junk Food?
Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Food2
Clever junk food advertising and the lure of convenience in addition to taste get people to junk food addiction. Awareness on junk food facts is lacking dramatically in every corner of the society. Here are some useful tips to avoid junk foods.

* Junk food and children have a strange affinity to each other. This is partly so owing to junk food advertising. Do not let children to get habituated to junk foods.
* Controlling children from eating junk foods in schools is another step that helps in a long term. Schools administration along with parents has a responsibility to educate children about junk foods in schools.
* Junk food, the name itself is tempting enough. Eliminating the temptation is one way to avoid it. Keeping good food nearby and having meals right on time may help in this direction. Controlling the temptation is not as hard as alcoholism can be.
* Develop awareness for fitness. This helps you separate junk food and diet from your regimen.

Finally, not all foods are junk; moreover, our bodies have enough stamina to take care off occasional junk food eating. However, beware; the lure is strong enough to get you addicted. It is in your hands choose junk food or health.
Fast Food Makes You Fat - it's Official
The Medical Research council has released a study concluding what many of us have probably suspected already: regularly eating junk food can increase your risk of weight gain and obesity. It’s all about the energy density of the meal, apparently. Junk food has a high energy density, meaning that it contains a lot of calories for its weight. This is often due to the presence of high levels of fat and sugar in the meal, with a corresponding low level of fibre and protein. For example, a fast food meal has an energy density one and a half times greater than that of a normal British meal, and a staggering two and a half times greater than an African meal. When people eat foods with a high energy density, they may not realise exactly how many calories they are eating, as the body is tricked by the relatively small size of the portions. This also makes it hard for people to make informed diet choices, especially in the case of children. The MRC team tested this by asking groups of volunteers to eat apparently identical meals. But the meals had been secretly altered to have a variety of energy densities, although the volunteers believed they were all eating normally. The scientists found that the group fed the high energy density diet put on fat at an alarming rate, while those eating the low energy density foods actually lost body fat. More research on people living in the UK and in Africa, as well as analysis of the composition of junk food, confirmed that fast food meals are a fast track to lardiness. But it’s not just junk food that is energy dense- the researchers warn about the perils of energy-dense supermarket readymeals and convenience foods, saying it’s important not to just swap one unhealthy meal with another. Obesity related problems are thought to cost the UK more than 2.5 billion pounds annually so the government are very keen to find ways to stop us eating all the pies. This new research lays some of the blame firmly at the door of the fast food merchants, so perhaps we will finally see health warnings on the sides of burger cartons.
Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Food3

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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Empty Re: Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Post by genie_in.a_bottle Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:40 pm

thats true sweetu,Junk food refers to fast foods which are easy to make and easy to consume. They are zero in nutritional value .They have only fats lying in it causing ill effects on the health of the consumer. The taste is the most attractive feature in junk foods. But is there at least little use of junk food to our body and health. Find out the harmful effects of junk food to our body.Nevertheless, junk foods are popular because of their simplicity to manufacture, consume and of course, their taste. People have their own notions about a certain food being listed as junk. However, chocolates, burgers, pizzas, potato wafers and fries will surely find their way into everyone's list.

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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Empty Re: Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Post by DUDUL_LOV Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:14 pm


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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Empty Re: Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Post by sweetu Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:46 am

Thank you genie for your contribution..
Thank you dudul im just trying my best Buble

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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Empty Re: Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Post by dido101 Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:30 am

amazing and fabulous explanations. Smile

although it's hard to resist junk foods. especially when you're living alone and you do not have the ability to cook anything except eggs. I cannot keep eating eggs Surprised duh !! Laugh

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Harmful Effects Of Junk Food Empty Re: Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Post by sweetu Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:24 pm

Then learn how to cook something else..

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