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[short story] mermaid ocean

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Love [short story] mermaid ocean

Post by Blueprince_harry Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:51 pm

this story is made by my friend... [short story] mermaid ocean 14
just want to share it to you guys because i think it's quite nice [short story] mermaid ocean 14
sorry before if there's some mistake >.<

The mermaid Ocean

“Mommy, mommy, would you please read this story for me?” said
little Callien to her mother.” Off course honey, let’s see what kind of
story is this.hmm..’ The Mermaid Ocean, it’s a nice story.”Callien’s
mom replied as she opens the book.”Have you ever read about this story
mom?”Asked Callien with her big brown eyes looking at her mother.

”Your grandma used to read this story for me when I was in the
same age as you and I like this story so much, I would cry everytime
your grandma read this story, okay, shall we start?”asked
Callien’mother.”yup…”Callien replied.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom lives a princess, who has been
well-known because of her beauty, she is so beautiful that even the
people overseas will know who she is.Her name is Calliana, 17 year-old
girl,people will usually call her Calliana princess. Calliana ‘s
father, King Arthur is a wise king, he leads his country into a
prosperous life, all of his people love him as much as they love their
beautiful princess.

Calliana grows in a happy family, she is well educated and has
good attitudes. She is a perfect girl with a perfect life, but then,
she finds out that she misses something, which is ‘LOVE’. She has been
living for 17 years in this world, but she has never felt thing that
people call as ‘LOVE’.she feels curious about it, she keeps on
wondering, actually how it feels.

She likes to visit the blue ocean nearby, she likes to take a walk
there. She is sitting on the sands,until she hears someone is calling
her name.”Calliana! Calliana!” she can guess who is calling. Prince
Velhem, 20, he is Calliana’s cousin, son of King Fahrus, King Arthur’s
elder brother. Both of them are quite close as they almost have the
same age.”Calliana my princess what are you doing here??”Said Prince
Velhem.”I’m here to enjoy the beauty of Mermaid Ocean, and what are you
doing here Prince Velhem??”Calliana replied.”Nothing, just dropby to
say hai, anyway do you know the story of this Mermaid Ocean??”asked
Prince Velhem.”Well, can you tell me if you know about it??”Calliana
said, she is eager to know about the story.”According to the villagers,
this ocean had been cursed by a lady, whose love was cheated. At that
time, everybody was teasing her for being a silly girl that still loved
the man, who had cheated her. So, at this Mermaid Ocean, she commited
suicide, but just before she died she told everybody around,she said
that one day, this ocean would ask for another victim beside of her,
there would be a 17 year-old girl who faced a love problem,she would
hardly stand on the unbearable pain, and commit suicide as what she was
doing, but then, the girl’s soul would never die, she would live
forever by keeping the eternal love to the man. She made the curse
because she wanted to revenge; she wanted that any of the villagers’
daughters would feel the same pain that she was suffering at the time.
Then, she died by drowning into the ocean, but no one could find out
her corpse, the only thing that they could find out was the necklace,
which was given by the man.”Prince Velhem explained.”do you think it’s
a real story?”asked Calliana.”I’m not sure, there is pro and contra for
the story.”said Prince Velhem.”oh, I’ve gotta go. See you next time my
lovely princess.”Prince Velhem continued, then he leaves Calliana at
the ocean alone.

Calliana is walking along the ocean side and thinks of the story.
She is wondering will that story be true??and she tries to imagine how
much pain that the lady needed to suffer.

She is thinking seriously until she sees something shinny on the
sands.”what is that?”she thinks,she picks up the shinny thing and oh !
it’s a necklace.suddenly, she remembers the story that prince Velhem
has told her.”Is this the lady’s necklace??but is it possible to be
hers??how can it be here??didn’t the villagers had picked up the
necklace??”she thinks.but then she decides to bring the necklace with
her, she wants to find out the prove whether this is the lady’s
necklace or not.

In her room, she keeps on looking at the necklace,it’s a beauticul
gold necklace with a diamond on it, a person who had given this
necklace must have loved the lady so much.she walks out to the
balcoony, thinking that she wants to have a fresh air. Her balcoony is
exactly facing to the Mermaid Ocean, when she is standing on the
balcoony enjoying the ocean's night sight, she sees someone is at the
ocean side, seems to look after something.”Is he looking for this
necklace? if he is, I should go to the ocean side and return this
necklace to him, this might be very precious to him, if this isn’t
precious, he will not come to the ocean and find it again.”she thinks
and she goes to the ocean side directly.

She approaches the man and says” excuse me, are you looking for
this necklace?”as the man turns to her, she feels that her heart is
beating so fast.”oh yes, thank you, where did you get it?”the man looks
at Calliana carefully and suprises.”Oh my God, sorry for being inpolite
your highness.”says the man and he bows down.”oh no problem, stand
up.”says Calliana.”I’m sorry that I have taken away your precious
thing, but I found it was lying on the sands, so I thought may be it
was not known to be lost or something.”Calliana continued, she looks at
the handsome man,standing in front of her and her heart beats faster to
faster. She has never felt like this before, is this what they call
‘LOVE’?she wonders.

”anyway my name is Dirgelius”says the man”I’m a sherperd and there
is my farm”he points to the farm not far from the ocean side.”wow, your
highness, you look so beautiful, even more beautiful than I
thought.”Dirgelius replied.”thanks,by the way it has been late at
night, may be I should go back to my castle.”says Calliana, actually
she doesn’t want to say that , but then she has to, because she doesn’t
wanna make any issuee, it will be a trouble if somebody saw her talking
to a stranger.”well, I’ll send you home.”says Dirgelius.”No,no, thanks,
I can go back by my self, thanks for offering me”says Calliana and she
moves backwards. Before Calliana moves further,Dirgelius calls her and
says” Calliana Princess can we meet again another time??”.Calliana
doesn’t answer anything she just looks back and nodds her head, she
smiles and she runs back to her castle.

Every night Calliana Princess and Dirgelius spends their night
together, and love has started to blossom between them.until one day,
King Arthur caught them spending their night together at the ocean
side. King Arthur is really mad, he locked Calliana in her room and
decided to engaged her to Prince Swhet, the oversea prince.while
Dirgelius is being put on the castle dungeon, both of them were
seperated.But, Calliana Princess keeps her faith to Dirgelius, despite
being engaged to Prince Swhet, she still loves Dirgelius so much.

Dirgelius was realeased from the dungeon but he has to promise
King Arthur that he won’t find Calliana Princess anymore, King Arthur
gave Dirgelius lots of golds to stay away from Calliana Princess,
Calliana knows nothing about that, she keeps on sending letters to
Dirgelius, telling him how much she loves him, but none of the letters
are replied, and one day, Calliana finds out that Dirgelius has
married. Calliana’s love is cheated.Calliana cries day and night, she
locks herself in her room,and looks at the necklace that was given by
Dirgelius, the thing that had bonded their heart. She believes that
Dirgelius will never cheat her love, so she decides to find Dirgelius
and makes things clear.

In a rainy night, when Dirgelius is alone in his house, Calliana
Princess comes to his house and talks to him. The first time Dirgelius
saw Calliana, he was so surprised, then he allowed Calliana to come in.

”What are you doing here your highness?you are not supposed to be
here”asked Dirgelius.”I’m here to ask, why did you marry anyone else
beside me??you have promised me that you will marry me.”said
Calliana.”Yes, I know, but it will never come true, you have been
engaged to Prince Swhet,and I’ve married.”Dirgelous replied.”So,why you
should marry another girl beside of me??”asked Calliana.”I’ve gotta to
that, your highnes, King Arthur has given me lots of golds to build my
new life and to stay away from you, I have to keep my promise to
him.”Dirgelius explained.”How can you…How can you throw away our love
just because of golds???all of our memories,do they mean something to
you??tell me!”asked Calliana, she is so upset hearing each words that
came out from Dirgelius.

”Well, I’ll tell you the truth. I used to love you, but now I have
my own life, you are not match to me,you’re a princess and look at me,
I’m just a sherperd, no matter what we do, we can’t live together, you
should go back to your life. We are too different.”said Dirgelius,as
Calliana heard that, she runs out from Dirgelius’ house.

Though it is raining, Calliana walks along the ocean side, she can
see all of the vivid memories between Dirgelius and her in her mind,
she misses that moment a lot.When, she is walking along the ocean side,
she sees a lady from the ocean, she approaches her. She’s a mermaid!
She is very surprised, but then she can feel that the mermaid wanna
tell something, she comes closer to the mermaid. The mermaid takes out
a blade for Calliana, then she goes into the ocean and disappears, it
just likes a magic to Calliana. She looks at the blade then she thinks,
why did the mermaid give her this blade?she thinks it over and over
then she gets the answer.

”I’ll kill Dirgelius, if I, Calliana could not have Dirgelius,
then no one could have him.”she told herself. She runs back to
Dirgelius’ house, as Dirgelius opens the door, she stabs the blade onto
his stomach, he is bleeding badly,when Dirgelius is dying, he says “
thanks, I have been suffering too much to pretend that I don’t love
you, I would rather die than pretend that I hate you, when you came to
me just now and when I can see you right in front of me , is the best
moment that I’ve ever had.’I DO LOVE YOU’. I have been thinking to end
my life but I thought ,if I end my life I would never see you again,
so, thank you for helping me to end my suffering you always know the
best about me and my thoughts.Last words,’I hope that you would find
your Happiness soon, I’ll stay beside you wherever you are, I do love
you.’”Then, Dirgelius breaths out his last breathe.

Calliana princess is really shock; she has never thought that
Dirgelius was pretending for her happiness. She regrets for what she
has done. She brings Dirgelus’s corpse to the ocean side, she cuts her
artery there.

The rain has stopped. The moon can be seen cleary at the sky. Both
of them lay on each other looking at the moon , as what they used to
do,when Calliana feels that it time has come for her to die, she sees
the mermaid once more time. She approches the mermaid, she walks in a
very weak condition. She tells the mermaid “Please bring Dirgelius to
live, I’m begging of you and make him forgets about me forever, I know
you can do it. please”Calliana princess talks to the mermaid and
cries.”If you are the lady who has cursed this mermaid ocean,I’m sure
you know best the feeling to lose someone we do love.

I want to be the ocean’s victim as you bring Dirgelius to
live. I’ll carry on all of my sins and keep my eternal love to him,
forever.”as Calliana princess finished her words and looks at the
mermaid, she smiles to Calliana and points to Dirgelius, Dirgelius
starts to move his body, but then Calliana princess’ body starts to
turn into a mermaid. For the last time, Calliana Princess approches
Dirgelius and says “Dirgelius, I do love you, thanks for all of your
sacrifations, but it’s enough, now enjoy your new life, I do love you
forever. “then Calliana princess kisses Dirgelius and she goes back to
the ocean and becomes a mermaid. As Dirgelius is awake, the first word
he speaks out is “Calliana Princess” but he can’t remember who she is.
The country has lost the beautiful princess as she has turned into a
mermaid, but nobody knows about the incident except King Arthur, the
mermaid lady gave him a dream about Calliana Princess and Dirgelius’
incident. King Arthur regrets what he has done so much, he wishes that
he could meet her daughter again and told her that he allows her to
marry Dirgelius.but,it’s too late.

Callien’s mom says”darling, how is it??isn’t it a nice
story??”asked mommy,”Yes mom, I like it so much, but then is the
mermaid ocean is the ocean that is right in front of us??”asked
Callien.”Yes it is, okay honey, it’s time for you to go to sleep.nice
dream”Callien’s mom kisses her .”okay,good night mom.”Callien
replied.”Good night daddy”said Callied to her daddy that comes towards
the balcoony as Callien goes inside.”Good night honey, have a good
sleep.”said Callien’s daddy and he kisses Callien.then, Callien goes to
her room.”Well how is your day Calliana??”asked Dirgelius to
Calliana.”Well not bad”Calliana replied.Dirgelius hugs Calliana and
says “You has just told our daughter the story of The Mermaid Ocean,
hasn’t you?”asked Dirgelius.”yes, well, my grandpa gave me Calliana
name as he likes his cousin so much and it’s really a great thing that
I married to a you ,Dirgelius.May be, I was the Calliana Mermaid, and I
have reborned.and so you have.who knows what had happened in past
time”said Calliana as she smiles to Dirgelius.”I do love you”says
Dirgelius.They pass the beautiful night by hugging each other, as the
moon seems to be smiling to them Smile

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Full Name : Harry syafriant
Abot Me : im gud looking man with a preety face..:-P
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Registration date : 2008-12-28


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Love Re: [short story] mermaid ocean

Post by natalie-luv Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:28 am

long and good story harry .... Sleep
thanks for sharing ... Laugh

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Favourite color : [short story] mermaid ocean Pink111
Registration date : 2008-10-19

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