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How This Man, Got me.. Loved and Broken (FINISHED)

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Smile How This Man, Got me.. Loved and Broken (FINISHED)

Post by ifti_bd Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:40 am

I was in 6th grade and, I could say, I’m in love with a guy, who is owned by another girl. He was so sweet that I fell into everything he said to me– His’ lies. I am absolutely not the kind of girl who easily fall in love to guys whom I don’t even know for years or months, I say. I believe, love comes UNEXPECTEDLY.

Another man, who used to be my classmate and seat mate as well, is very close to me. But, I haven’t known him for years. He proved in all ways how much he really loved me. He courted me for almost a year. And yeap, we got into that relationship that didn’t even last. And then, whenever we bumped into each other, we’d never bother talk or smile.

It was in the same year, my 6th grade, that I had those 3 beautiful friends of mine. We shared almost everything– secrets, clothes, lunch and even shed tears. Jelynne, one of those wonderful girls who actually, I can say, is the prettiest amongst us. She got so many admirers. She’s so nice to all of them, that she introduced us, her friends, one of her admirers. And that’s how I met that wonderful guy I know, is my Big Love.

His name is Carlo. He is a type of guy who depends on all the people around him. He has friends whom he can pay. He has this power to make orders to his friends because he has money. That’s one freaky little guy. Yes, we were young then. He was introduced to me by Jelynne. And all the days after that introduction, my days, now on, were very miserable. As I’ve said, he uses his friends to go after me. Tease me, play tricks on me, pull my hair and everything a guy, who grow up with no respect to ladies. He has never done those things to other girls, that’s why I find it so unfair and frankly told him, “Why the hell are you making those unfunny jokes on me, when I’m doing absolutely nothing to you?” But he never answered, he continued playing those tricks on me. Like using a lighter’s machine to electrocute me. That’s not so gentleman.

The next school year, is my very unfortunate year– My boyfriend dumped me. (He was the one I’m talking about in the 2nd paragraph.) I go find reasons on why did he do those thing to me? Why did he dumped me, when all I do is love him. It is so unfair, that the new girl that my ex was courting, threw a fight with me. Carlo, that silly guy, never serious and absolutely not a listener, went to me. He insists in telling him the story on why my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. I find him unworthy that I didn’t tell him. He returned to being so naughty and not-nice. He started asking for my telephone and cellphone number. His reason was he wants me to help him go talk to my friend, Jelynne. I agreed on that thing, but as long as he promised not to disturb me ever again. Every weekends, he calls me at home. We frequently text one another for we are in different networks. We got along, but the teasing was never erased. Every time he would meet me in the classroom or somewhere, he never failed not to notice me. He even memorized the clothes I wore and keeps on telling me that I wore those clothes already. I never really cared for him. My only job was to help him with my friend and that’s it. Never come into my mind that we would be more than that. Whenever he calls me at home, we always argue on why is he calling me. My parents hate it when guys calls me at home. I told him that situation, but then he never stopped. He calls at home and whenever he would be ask who is it, he would pretend he is a girl. That’s the point that I find him so irritating. We ran after each other. We tease and sometimes hurt each other physically but unintentionally. We find it as a game. We always have this bet and do a dare whenever we have a chance. It was fun, I realized. Then we started being so close, that we reach being the best of friends.

We play jokes on one another. But we’d never made it a serious deal. He calls on me, I call on him. We share homeworks, exam answers, etc. We pretend, in the face of everybody that we are not the best of friends for they might misinterpret it. I found another friend, her name was Clarence. She confessed to me that she has feelings for Carlo. I actually find it very funny that I made a love team inside the classroom. I kept asking Carlo if he has feelings for Clarence. Since they were teased to one another, it’s possible for one to fall in love or have slight feelings for them. But he keeps on saying “No.” I don’t know why, all of a sudden, I’m beginning to care about him. Not much and a little less, maybe. Slight feeling of care for him. It’s more like a switch, it turns on and off. The heck, I don’t know. I was the only girl in that room that he has the courage to embarrass me in front of many people. I hated him for that. Very! I take my revenge whenever I had the chance to. I would throw his things on the garbage bin and made it a secret. But he knew, it was me who did it. We take chances into fooling each other. As bitter friends, we always fight. One time, he made a joke out of me that even my ex-boyfriend heard that. I cried. I cried and even spank him so hard. I don’t care if he was sorry or what. I am angry at him for a month. I was at peace. He always find ways to make it up to me. He would look at me, but I kept on ignoring him. It was that time that we are in a classroom-based film showing that I sat alone in my corner. He, too was alone. Without the company of his paid-friends. He would constantly glance at him. But I don’t make it even. I always tantrum and get out. But for him to finally make it up to me, he used my brother. That he made me laugh, once again.. i was out of peace. That I find it empty without him, the next school year.

I was third year High School that we had our friendship status on the next level. I actually missed him because we had separate classrooms. No one to tease me, no one to embarrass me. I really missed him. I’m always daydreaming during class hours, wishing he would pass by the room. And when he did, i would jump for joy.

We have lesser communication in those days. Whenever I enter the chat room, I always find him online. But my courage wasn’t enough to be the first one to ask him how he was. To my surprise, he never pass a day without asking me how am I. Every night, when I got home, I would always rush into my computer and see if he’s online. Then, we would chat. Everyday, that would be our habit. He told me his secrets, his crushes that made me wanna invent things. I told him a different name for him not to now who really is my special someone. He would ask my cellphone number, since we weren’t got updated for the last summer. He was in different network with me. But I don’t want everything to end up there. Since I know, I should be the one to make that move, in able for us to communicate even if we aren’t online, I buy the same sim card, same as his network provider. For all those months we are texting, chatting, there came a moment that a huge blackout occurred in the country. It was very hard for us to communicate when it has been 7days, no light, no electricity flowing in our houses. I’m losing hope. I have to wish him goodnight to myself. Just before our cellphone batteries turned down, He told me, he would call me. Everyday, every night, dinner time.. He would call. But not pretending as a gay anymore. He was known at home as my friend. He would even make jokes to whoever will answer the phone. To my surprise, my mom would laugh out too. He was perfectly everything I ever wanted. But I didn’t know, I would fall in love to this guy who have been so mysterious ever since I met him. His name is Mario. He’s one of the things I’d invented to Carlo when we we’re chatting one time. I told him he was my special someone, that it came true. There were times that my feeling for Mario will conquer everything in what I feel for Carlo.

It has been very difficult for me, especially when things turn out well between me and Mario. He was my classmate, so.. He is my roommate. Every class hours, I saw him and hear him talking. I loved those ways. But I don’t know why Carlo always disagrees with me when I tell stories about Mario, when I’m not doing those things to him whenever he talks about Hanah. Hanah was and is his crush. I was very jealous of her. Urging me to tell my friend to keep an eye on her and my Best Friend (Carlo). Whenever there are things, I get jealous. But I never, even one time that I disagree with him about her.

Sometimes, we talked about the most personal things. Ask me how he was when it comes to courting girls. When we kept on sharing personal things in life, I kept on knowing him deeper and deeper. But it hurts me when he asked me to help him court girls. When I ask him which of those girls he would tell me is the one she’s going to court, he would say.. it is a secret. But he would constantly, day by day, ask for advices on what girls like and what they prefer. I would tell him what. To that, we became a lot more closer.

Things between the closest friends can’t avoid involving into petty fights. I was hanging out with my friend, Myka, when I was texting him. He didn’t knew we’re together so, I pretend that I will go to sleep. Then I ask Myka if I could borrow her cellphone. I texted him, as Myka, and asked him how do he find me(Me, as usual). He says, he find me as his very close and dear friend. That made me feel very glad. I ask him how he was doing with Hanah. I asked him, if he really loved the girl. Then he never replied to that message. Instead, he changed the topic. But I insisted on that question. He asked where did I get those fact. Then I told him, it came from me(Me, as usual). He said I was a LIAR. I hate it. It gets into my nerves. I told him that I forward that message to me. That made him worry. And then I texted him, and told him to back off of me. And I didn’t texted nor made him feel I’m present for a week. He asked the favor of my friends to make me forgive him. And what I didn’t know, he made a reward for me to accept his apologies. He had used my friends. But I think, he did everything just to make him forgive him. I loved how he did it.

When our quarterly examination came, my mom would get my cellphone for me to get focused in my studies. I hate it when she do that. But I have to surrender it. I wouldn’t have something to communicate with him, that was the worst week of my life. The next morning, my bus mate, who is his crush also, ask me how am I. I told her, I was forever OK. I asked her how come she ask me that question when we’re always together. She told me that my best friend was worried about me. He asked her through chat, how am I. I was feeling lucky that time that I shed tears. Shallow of me. But I loved him more.

We are that close when it comes to non-verbal communication. But we don’t communicate to each other in school. We talk from far apart at assemblies. When he is passing at the corridors, he would tease me. And one thing I can’t forget– HIS BIRTHDAY TREAT. When I ask him, through a text message, where is his birthday blow-out to me. He said, He would treat me when the classes resume. I said OK. When that day comes, I came up to him at our said meeting place. But we never even looked straight to each other’s eyes. I loved that moment.

Christmas and New Year with him as my textmate was the most memorable and happiest ever. Since it was, I don’t know, his routine every Christmas and New Year that he would text me and greet or call me. He had done it for 3 consecutive years. And I loved it.

Christmas Eve, we were talking about the next year. I pretend to be a fortune teller. He asked me, what would his fortune be in 2007. I told him, he would get a girlfriend which he really liked the most. He told me, he hoped that will happen soon. I told him, don’t expect a lot ’cause I’m not a real fortune teller. He told me, he believes in me. Then after, he asked me, what would be me this 2007. I told him, I would still be me, supporting him. He only sent me a “HAHA”.

Male Number of posts : 688
Age : 37
Country/Location : Bangladesh/Chittagong
Job/Occupation : student of iub(independent univesity of bangladesh)
mig33 ID : ifti_bd,crazy_ifti,crazyifti
Full Name : ifti
Abot Me : hey guyz...i love to make new friends..if u r interested ....u r welcome
My Other Mig33 IDs : crazyifti,ifti_da_gr8king
Contact Number : +8801710520011
Email Address : ifti_bd@hotmail.com
Invited By : sweetnes
I Like : making new friends who r honest to me
I hate : liars
Country : How This Man, Got me.. Loved and Broken (FINISHED) Fmnpy9
Favourite color : How This Man, Got me.. Loved and Broken (FINISHED) 110
Registration date : 2008-11-15

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